sábado, mayo 18, 2024

The «DIF Contigo» program will provide legal advice, social work and psychological care to communities

#Celaya, #Gto.- DIF Contigo’ is a program that will bring the services offered by the Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia, directly to the communities of the municipality of Celaya.

Marlene Ramirez Suaste, from the volunteer area, said that social work, legal advice and psychological care will be offered, in order to increase the percentage of operation of the Family Strengthening area.

«What is sought with this program is to bring citizens closer to the benefits that are offered in DIF Celaya, there are many requests that are received directly in our offices, but we know that there are many cases that, because of their limited mobility, either by economy or illness, there are citizens who find it difficult to move to our offices and can not perform their processes.»

«DIF is the heart of every municipal public administration and in Celaya we are convinced that with these actions the results we are generating will be greater and always for the benefit of our families, young people, children, girls and older adults,» he said.


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